I started out whittling the rough shapes of these bird heads, then I cut their eyes out of popsicle sticks. I know it sounds gruesome but it was really more like I gave them sight. Read it again if you still think that.

The penut in this picture is an ovesized replica of a penut the birds are actualy about 5 inches tall.
After painting the eyes I attached them with some elmers, drilled a hole, cut off the legs of an old fashioned close pin, and voila, a beak. After that I painted them at a listening party and craft get together that Destination DIY put on at a crafting event, and attached them to some plaques I got at Scrap.

They are hanging at Crafty Wonderlands new shop right next door to there old shop (who do they think they are, starbucks? Note: CW is not Starbucks, they just MOVED next door, and they don't even sell coffee.)
808 SW 10th Ave.
Portland, OR
downtown across from the Central Library
OPEN Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 12pm-5pm
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