Saturday, July 28, 2012


This show is going to be awesome!!! Yes folks this is a three exclamation point show in New York. The first time my art has been publicly displayed in the big apple.
See it in person on August 9th 6-9 pm 64 Gansevoort St, NY, NY 10014 Check out the show online when it goes live soon.


My first painting of a custom toy by Jesse Narens. Today! July 28th from 3 to 10 @ Seattles Hip Hop Robot custom Tattoo 118 S. Lucile st Seattle WA

Home is where the art is.

The opening has past but if you are in the San Diego area Drob in Helion Gallery to see this show. Lots of great portland artist all in one space. 433 3rd ave.

What makes your Tiki Happy?

Tiki Art show this first Thursday at Elroy art space above the Original. Come say hi.