Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kenton Firehouse Holiday Craft sale

December 1st 11-6
Right off the Interstate max line
8105 N. Brandon,+Portland,+OR+97217,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title

This is small but Diverse group making quality creative crafts.
Jewelry, Felted creations, hand sewn cards, Photos, fabulous pottery, and of course three-dee paintings. Come early for snacks.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

This next sunday I will have some smaller painting and possibly some little surprises!
Crafty Wonderland at the Doug Fir 9th and e Burnside Sunday nov 11th 11-4: p.m..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I have some work up at the Cup and Saucer up onon NE 30th and Killingsworth. It comes down on the 27th so hup hup hup.
are you happy greg? 'cause I am.