Sunday, December 2, 2007

Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Holiday sale

At the Norse Hall on 111 north east 11th at Couch.
Sun dec. 16th from11-5 free goodie bags to the first 200 shoppers.
I'll have lots of new painting.
See you there.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kenton Firehouse Holiday Craft sale

December 1st 11-6
Right off the Interstate max line
8105 N. Brandon,+Portland,+OR+97217,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title

This is small but Diverse group making quality creative crafts.
Jewelry, Felted creations, hand sewn cards, Photos, fabulous pottery, and of course three-dee paintings. Come early for snacks.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

This next sunday I will have some smaller painting and possibly some little surprises!
Crafty Wonderland at the Doug Fir 9th and e Burnside Sunday nov 11th 11-4: p.m..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I have some work up at the Cup and Saucer up onon NE 30th and Killingsworth. It comes down on the 27th so hup hup hup.
are you happy greg? 'cause I am.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Plastic Aferlife Rodeo Show (Puppet Show)

Saturday October 27th
A western theamed group show and Performance at Rererato.
5135 NE 42nd Portland OR
Performance at 7:
I will be doing Shadow Puppets for this one.
Also Steve Mathiews is doing paintings
and scrappers is doing an instalation.

Shadow Puppets at Mississippi Pizza pub

north of freemont on Mississippi
Costume contest for Disney Spinoffs

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm in a halloween show at moshi moshi 8th and e. Burnside this first friday. The other artists in this show are Brett Superstar, Nicolai Dornstauder, Dung Ho, RTIS, Nomearts, Geneva Smith, and Scrappers.Friday the 5th From 6 to 9.
I will be having a piece in a show at the Goodfoot 28th and Stark, Last Thursday, Sept. 27, from 5-11pm. This will be a group show. "I am, therefore I think" is part illustrative memoir, part social commentary. Over 40 artists come together with over 200 works of art to express events in life that shape who we are. The simple pleasure of sipping water from a river. . . The terror of bombs being dropped in war time. . . to genetic engineering. . This is life and how we live in it. The artists use of varied mediums (etching, painting, mixed media, photography, etc. . ) complement the varied themes as well.
Andrew Bawidimann
Bec Young
Ben Miller
Casey Burns
Casey Rae
Chris Haberman
Chris Stain
Colin Matthes
Dan Ness
Daniel Damocles Wall
Derek Olsen
Dylan Miner
Erik Ruin
Frank Kozik
Henry Rodriquez
Icky A.
Jaclyn Mercede
Jennifer Mercede
Jeral Tidwell
Jeremy Schutlz
Jesse Reno
Josh MacPhee
Katie Burkart
Kir Jensen
Kristine Virsis
Luke Dolkas
Lydia Crumbley
Mario Robert
Mary Tremonte
Matthew Vosburg
Meredith Stern
Michael Fields
Mike Martin
Nicolas Lampert
Pete Yahnke
Roger Peet
Sara Cella
Shane deLeon
Tara McPherson
Taring Padi
Tripper Dungan
Tyler Jackson

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Hello there,
This is the space that I will be posting Events to come and artwork past. Stay tuned.

Tripper D